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TiTi Catbot User Guide


TiTi Catbot is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps you keep track of your upcoming tasks! TiTi Catbot frees your mind of having to remember things you need to do.

TiTi can manage three types of tasks:

TiTi can help you keep track of which tasks have been completed and praise you for your hard work! (=^ ・ω・^=)❀


❀ Adding a todo task: todo

Adds a new todo task to your task list.

Format: todo <task_description>

Example: todo buy groceries

❀ Adding a deadline task: deadline

Adds a new deadline task to your task list.

Format: deadline <task_description> /by <time>


❀ Adding an event task: event

Adds a new event task to your task list.

Format: event <task_description> /at <time>


❀ Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all current tasks.

Format: list

❀ Marking a task as complete: done

Marks specified tasks as done.

Format: done <task_numbers>

Example: done 2 3

❀ Deleting a task: delete

Deletes specified tasks from task list.

Format: delete <task_numbers>

Example: delete 2 3

❀ Finding a task: find

Finds specified tasks from task list.

Format: find <task_description>

Example: find homework

❀ Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

"Come play with me soon! ฅ^•ω•^ฅ " – TiTi

Hope you enjoy your time with TiTi!